Google’s Latest Algorithm Update (Sep 20th 2018)

Google’s Latest Algorithm Update (Sep 20th 2018)

Google is at it again. There has been talk of a possible algorithm update throughout the SEO world and evidence certainly seems to support this. Our favourite rankings tracker SEMrush gave a SERP volatility score of 6.5 for Thursday 20th. Whilst not as high as the previous noticeable update (9.2), this is still considered high by the tracker. So what could Google’s Latest Algorithm Update (Sep 20th 2018) mean for me?

Google loves an algorithm update. It is estimated there are hundreds of updates a year. It is definitely worth checking your page rankings to see if there has been any significant impact on your visibility. Google rarely informs us of any updates, instead just installing them silently. These algorithm updates are impossible to predict and makes life as a digital marketer just that bit harder. The majority are minor and the impact is barely negligible but every so often you get one that has profound results. We are only ever really informed of the big algorithm updates, over the years these have included Panda and Penguin.

Google algorithm updates matter to us because they change what helps a page to rank. Anybody involved in SEO would be wise to constantly follow updates and changes to see how these effects are likely to change digital marketing. What originally may have had a page ranking high on an SERP could the next day be the reason it took a hit. We are unlikely to really find out the nature of Google’s Latest Algorithm Update (Sep 20th 2018) but tracking your site rankings is a great way to track the implications.