Work Experience

The USdigital team recently welcomed Conor Holland for a week of work experience, a 17 year old currently studying at St Pauls in Leicester.

We put together a series of digital tasks and exercises for Conor, designed to give an insight into digital services and how we assist our clients on a daily basis, here are some words from Conor:

During my week at Unsworth Sudgen I worked with the digital team to develop my understanding of the Digital Marketing industry through a wide variety of tasks and exercises.

 I’ve really enjoyed my time here as I’ve learned a lot of new skills. One of the key tasks I undertook was to develop my own website to showcase my A-level photography work which was really beneficial and the team were very helpful with the website when I got stuck and wasn’t sure what to do with regards to the layout or certain aspects of the Content Management System.

 I also briefed the design of my own logo into the creative team who were more than happy to assist and turn my logo vision in to a reality.

 Another significant task was to carry out an SEO audit for a new client website which I found really informative as it had never previously occurred to me just how much goes into the optimisation of a website. In addition to this I received some brief Google Analytics training from the team and I also learned how to set up and configure Analytics for my own website.

 Further to this I spent some time shadowing the web developers who taught me the basics of code and shared various useful pieces of software with me – with the assistance of the team I carried out some web and email amendments for a couple of clients too!

 My final task during my work experience week was to learn more about Social Media and the team entrusted me with researching, writing and scheduling the social posts as part of a client strategy.

 In conclusion, from my weeks work experience at Unsworth Sudgen I have gained a real insight into Digital Marketing and what goes into a businesses online presence which has opened my eyes with regards to a possible career in digital marketing when I finish my studies.


 If you would like to join us for work experience please send your details to hello@localhost.