Google Algorithm Update September 2019

Google Algorithm Update September 2019

September 2019 has been relatively quiet for SERP volatility but as of 18/09/2019 we may be seeing a bit of a shakeup. SEMrush has this morning recorded a score of 6.1 throughout the United Kingdom on a desktop viewport.

On a mobile viewport this is slightly higher with a score of 6.2. This is a similar theme throughout Europe with scores as high as 7.8 recorded for Spain. Is this signalling a potential core algorithm update? Of course it is too soon to say but we will continue to monitor the SERPs and any potential implications this will bring. Signs began to be picked up on Friday the 13th (a bad omen?!) and appear to be continuing throughout the week. This is consistent with various monitors and chat forums, we are seeing talk of keyword and SERP fluctuations and in turn traffic changes. Although this update does not appear to be as large as previous core updates there is definitely chatter throughout the SEO community.

Google September Core Algorithm Update 24/09/2019

Google has just recently announced that they will be releasing a core algorithm update, named the ‘September 2019 Core Update’, which is scheduled to go live as of 24th September 2019. As previously mentioned Google releases many updates a year, most of which are not officially named and we are not usually warned. However, when a larger update is scheduled to be rolled out that is likely to have a larger impact upon rankings and traffic they will now warn us. Core updates are designed to focus on Google’s mission of presenting relevant and authoritative information to users. The official Google Search Liaison Twitter account has informed of this:

We can be sure this is likely to shake up the result pages. It is too soon to be able say the intention of this update, we will continue to monitor the situation!

Google Algorithm Updates – What Does This Mean For Me?

Updates are usually released each and every day. The vast majority of these are minor, barely noticeable within the SERPs, and are often centred around styling and appearance tweaks. However, every so often we witness large scale shakeups that have a major impact upon result pages and a sites ability to rank. Previous updates have focused around important ranking factors such as quality of content and strength of backlink profiles. This current shakeup does not appear to be a major core update. As time passes the true size and implications will become clearer.