
Google Algorithm Update January 2020

Google Algorithm Update January 2020

Seven days into January 2020 and we are already seeing our first signs of a potential google algorithm update. There was some low lying chatter of a potential update over the holiday period but it seems unlikely engineers would role out an update over a period where few of them are likely to be working. Naturally with it being the holiday period you are likely to see large fluctuations in traffic throughout a range of sectors, could the chatter be possibly linked to this? This is reflected in tracking sensors with few throwing up any sort of fluctuation or volatility.

A Beginner’s Guide To Keywords

A Beginners Guide To Keywords

Although many of us have probably heard of the term ‘keyword’, a lot of people do not actually understand the importance of keywords in the digital marketing world. Providing content that satisfies a users demand is crucial in driving in good quality, relevant website traffic. To ensure you publish the right content for your site it is important to understand what users are searching for. That is why we have provided to you a beginner’s guide to keywords, read on to find out more.

Google Algorithm Update December 2019

Google Algorithm Update December 2019

It may only be the start of December 2019, Black Friday barely out of the way, and we are already seeing signs of a potential Google algorithm update. Perhaps they are giving us a late Cyber Monday gift? Sensors this morning (3rd Dec) have begun to pick up early signs of SERP volatility, scores of 4.4/10 and 5.2/10 being recorded in the UK for desktop and mobile viewports respectively.

A Beginner’s Guide to Local SEO

A beginners guide to local SEO

If you’re wise to the world of digital marketing you have probably heard of the term Local SEO, right? Widely viewed as a major marketing channel, its importance should never be underestimated. But what exactly is Local SEO? What is its relevance and how will it impact your business? When it comes to the online world there are many facets, each with varying degrees of impact. There is plenty of potential to lose yourself with technical industry terms and jargon. But fear not, read on to discover more in our complete beginner’s guide for Local SEO!

Google Algorithm Update November 2019

Google Algorithm Update November 2019

On first impressions, November 2019 appears to have been a relatively quiet month from a Google algorithm update perspective. Keyword and SERP tracking tools such as SEMrush have not been showing any particularly drastic results. However, if you dig a little deeper this is not the case. Throughout the SEO community there has been talk of far reaching, impactful core updates that have had a large impact upon rankings and traffic. There has been consistent whispers of various tremors and potential updates rumbling throughout the month. October 2019 saw plenty of significant implications with the BERT update in terms of search terms and the context in which they are used. This appears to be a continuing theme through November.

Google My Business: What Is It and Why Your Business Needs It

Google My Business

What is Google My Business?

Google My Business (GMB) is a Google tool that lets you manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps. The listing includes your business name, logo, phone number, location, opening hours, photos, reviews and pre-set call to action buttons. These listings also allow you to monitor and replying to customer reviews and learning where and how people are searching for you.

Google Algorithm Update October 2019

Google Algorithm Update October 2019

After the furore that surrounded the release of the September Core Update, are we seeing further signs of a Google algorithm update carrying on into October 2019? Google did after all indicate that the core update would take a few days to be fully rolled out. Is it possible we are seeing a continuation of this? It may only be the 3rd of October but we are seeing initial signs of a potential shake up in the result pages. SEMrush has thrown up a score of 5.3/10 on a desktop viewport throughout the United Kingdom. This climbs up to 5.5/10 on a mobile viewport. This appears to be constant throughout Europe with scores as high as 5.4/10 (Germany) and 6.5/10 (Spain) recorded.

The Importance Of Backlinks In SEO

The Importance Of Backlinks In SEO

For your site to rank effectively, you must encompass a wide array of digital marketing techniques. Factors such as the quality of your content, effective on-page optimisation and many technical SEO aspects are crucial in rankings. Additionally, an old classic that is also still as important today as it was in the early days of SEO is your backlink profile. However, what do we mean when we refer to backlinks and what are the importance of these? Here at USDigital we have compiled a guide for you on backlinks and their importance in the world of SEO.

Google Algorithm Update September 2019

Google Algorithm Update September 2019

September 2019 has been relatively quiet for SERP volatility but as of 18/09/2019 we may be seeing a bit of a shakeup. SEMrush has this morning recorded a score of 6.1 throughout the United Kingdom on a desktop viewport.